lørdag den 21. marts 2009


Slow and painful wound, tainted music all in my head. I hear the sounds of impalement, tears dry out in my chin. The penetration is painful, it's like a stake goes through my mouth and all the way in. It takes many days to kill me, I was tough. Beautiful, Intellegent girl with heavy temper saved me from the underworld, taking me back. She said her name was Anne Bonny. She carried her knife, it is frightning. She knew I was innocent, she wanted to help me even though she hated helping criminals like me... It's like being captured and taken to sea. Stormy day, waves are hard, almost destroying our ship... Dear Poseidon must be feeling angry today, or perhabs it is God who's angry today. These poor men must having a really bad day. Anyways, I hope Bonny is taking me to the land of Australia, I need to see the girls down there. Hope God doesn't mind if I go down there.. He wrote to me and mentioned: "God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to love you, to leave you, to make you into the person you were meant to be." Guess he like to call himself God.

Restless I feel, haven't eaten all day... Guess I am becoming immortal, maybe a zombie. Nobody ever knows, and there she goes. Dark Angel, wings of a bat, eyes glowing in the dark. You are too good, somebody might call you a whore or cheap. You're too good, it is the goodness we like and no you are not cheap or a whore. Everybody is jealous of you because you have a quality, the talent in you. We all learn from experience, if you don't practice you can't be a master.

Mario Lyberth

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