I have found a perfect woman, with a beautiful voice of hers that makes me so touched when she sings with a soft and gently voice. Her singing is so smooth, I almost cried. The smile of hers, so amazingly beautiful. I couldn't see anyone else with a smile like that, the smile is unique. Especially her laughter, can not forget it! Makes my day a better day everytime she's around. You can spend minutes, hours, days, week or even months over analysing the situation, trying to put the pieces together on what to do with your crush or you can just put the pieces on the floor and let it ring. Love takes courage, for me especially. First time I saw her, I was afraid, shaking 'cause I have never seen a beauty like that. Her eyes staring at me with a gentle smile, asking me about how I am. I can't just imagine her, but imagination is more important than knowlegde. Just think about it... Without imagination, there's no knowlegde. However, it's not about being who everyone else wants' you to be, it's about being yourself and finding someone who loves every bit of it! And I hope she can understand me if I ever have to tell about my feelings. If she rejects: Life is a bitch, because if it was a slut, it would be too easy.
Mario Lyberth