mandag den 14. december 2009
Never mind crashes with your system
It is not difficult to use, even for you who cannot understand how the computer works can use it. For the benefits, your system will be faster, smarter, more agile and more intellegent (or something like that). You can understand what I mean. Just like us humans, we have this unnecessary junk in our bodies that needs to be removed. Use Junk files and Dublicate Files.
They are things we want to improve, for example in the morning. The morning is always hard, when you are trying to get up and go to school, work you name it. Your computer is like that. It gets slow, fat and sleepy. The training up our body can help us, while computer needs defrag.
Your look can be changed so does your computer, startup can be changed with a picture you like, you can style it you like.
Well, this is my introduction to answers within your system. Stay stiff, cool and fit.
If you want this program, here's the link:
It's easy to download.
Mario Lyberth
fredag den 4. december 2009
Death as in thought
1. Think of live instead of death.
For example: Have you ever wondered or thought about death while you are under water, when you open your eyes?
Answer to the question: Why think about death when you can think about how great your life is. Hey, you are swimming. enjoy it!
Come on... Be happy..
Mario Lyberth
fredag den 6. november 2009
Possible Breakdown
fredag den 2. oktober 2009
You Endear Yourself To Me
Living Alien On The Moon
Age Of Encumbrance
onsdag den 16. september 2009
Who Will Say?
You walk and dance in the moonlight, knowing no one will bother your dancing style. You’ll forever live as an artist and will forever be a star. Who will say, when I tell you how much I like you and who will say when I feel completely like an idiot when you turn me down. That will not bother me, I will feel sad but alive ‘cause the pain I feel means I am alive as much as you are. When you accept me, I will feel thrilled and so happy knowing I’ll be very happy for a short notice.
Like you feel happy it is possible, endearing my hometown makes me want to life with you around. Taking good pictures while singing good songs together. Like when I sing “Scarlet” you’ll sing with me, but your “Wild Horses” makes me fall in love with you even more. The voice so wonderful and beautiful I hear, controlling me painfully without feeling misery. As you already know, I love to feel the pain ‘cause without it I won’t be able to feel Love!
My little brother and I look alike, now I can see why. Everyday he makes me happy, like you do when you are around me. The spark between you and me makes my stomach fload with butterflies. The right connections gives the right understanding… Like you understand me. I am not going to tell you that I am yours to command, however I am going to tell you I am yours forever, as long as I get to live right next to you… To hold you while sleeping and love you everyday, even though the baddest days I’ll still love you. This is turning into love instead of crush… Please help me.
Mario Lyberth
You And The Universe
Crushed I am for myself, feeling sorry about myself I am for this Curse of Damned. My mind must be cleaned, the scary wind come to me and clear my thoughts away from her The voice so clean and smooth in my head, looking good we are standing there, I wish I could have you both, however you are the important one. The sun is rising, it’s only eight o’clock. The strange thing is that it is night. Bark is gone, dogs are maby sleeping. The clouds are running away and all I see is the ocean. Can’t see the land where you stand, feeling afraid of loosing you for eternity. Don’t let Hades take you away from me…
؟ Let us asks ourselves. How was the universe created? Was it the explosion from the strays of elements? Or was it God? Hoever, how can you explain this: If it was the explosion, how exactly do the elements become elements? If it was God, how can you explain God was created? Was he here all along or does he create himself? But how?
Who am I really? Do I look that scary or don’t you like the way I play this game? When I ask myself theese questions I must be loosing it. Really. My only wish in like is you to like and love me the way I am and let be controlled or owned by you… to love me.
The sea is far away, the land other side is greater than good… too far away. Fire fades away, it’s too hard to say when you are close enough for me to say I really like you… The Crush! Most of everyday, it’s too hard to say that life could be simple for me to say I like you. I know soon you can’t see me anymore and I’ll give up easily…
When I am thinking about you, it is only happy thoughts ‘cause you make me so happy. I know any happinnes has an ending. But couldn’t you just enjoy yourself while around?
Mario Lyberth
torsdag den 10. september 2009
Unique Red Heart
tirsdag den 1. september 2009
Stranger In Us
Best of luck, Lust in buck turning sideways. Mother Earth set my hidden darkness away, hunger is burning my skin really hard. Inside a Demon looking for vengeance, setting Its foot step by step and I can't hold it much longer.
Mario Lyberth
søndag den 9. august 2009
lørdag den 1. august 2009
Hopeless Drifter
Mario Lyberth
mandag den 27. juli 2009
Faith without deed is dead
Mario Lyberth
lørdag den 27. juni 2009
Maze of Mayhem and Love

tirsdag den 2. juni 2009
Incur my anger into pulp

mandag den 1. juni 2009
Sweetness and full of love; accomplishment

søndag den 31. maj 2009
Reptile Bite

Mario Lyberth
onsdag den 13. maj 2009
Closing in on the egde once again
The incident I've heard is hurting me, my lord.
tirsdag den 5. maj 2009
Claws of a polarbear

Mario Lyberth
mandag den 4. maj 2009
Life After Death
* The first type of claims are loosely based on observations and conjecture made by humans or instruments (for example a radio or a voice recorder, which are used in electronic voice phenomena, or EVP). These observations are made from reincarnation research, near death experiences, out-of-body experiences, astral projection, EVP, mediumship, various forms of photography et cetera. Academic inquiry into such phenomena can be broken down roughly into two categories: psychical research generally focuses on case studies, interviews, and field reports, while scientific parapsychology relates to strictly laboratory research.
* The second type are based on a form of faith, usually faith in the stories that are told by ancestors or faith in religious books like the Bible, the Qur'an, the Talmud, the Vedas, the Tripitaka et cetera. This article is mainly about this second type.

Now if there's a Dead, who collects the spirits recently left their bodies and wonder alone in our world knowing we can't see them. How do I see this?
I know there's a lot of questions that needed to be answered, and we all just have to believe in the Bible or Koran or Talmud etc. Based on the religion we have. But for all of you that is not-religion-type-kind-of-guy or an ateist more precisely, how do you see the life after death?

"So spake the false dissembler unperceivd;
For neither Man nor Angel can discern Hypocrisie,
the onely evil that walks Invisible,
except to God alone,
By his permissive will,
through Heav'n and Earth:
Satan bowing low,
As to superior Spirits is wont in Heaven,
Where honour due and reverence none neglects,
Took leave, and toward the coast of Earth beneath,
Down from th' Ecliptic,
sped with hop'd success,
Throws his steep flight in many an Aerie wheele,
Nor staid, till on Niphates top he lights."
Mario Lyberth
søndag den 3. maj 2009
Travelling though the clouds

lørdag den 2. maj 2009
Is this what you expected to see?

tirsdag den 28. april 2009
Psychological Differences

The talk, kind of sexy and it cheers me up. I haven't had that conversation in years, seems that I have missed it so much. I always wanted that, the smoothness and the lust around it so perfect for me. So, like you've noticed I am a kind of guy who likes sex.

Abominatus "Hateful"

What if the dream comes true? What if the dream is already happened? It shows that I am hateful of these things like I am some kind of a Ghoul or Abomination. Like I am hating you, for your mistakes and doings. You are too kind to be liking me, you can't love a man like me 'cause I hate you. I can't figure you completely, you are too misterious and unpredictable. Damn you!
Mario Lyberth
søndag den 26. april 2009
The Royal Jackass

lørdag den 25. april 2009
Early in the morn'
onsdag den 22. april 2009
Moderate Blues
Life is getting longer, I thought life is short like you say it is.
Why feeling sorry when you are there to protect me? It’s that bad? I can’t see any problem with that, all you have got to do is take good care of me. I will not hesitate to remove you from this conflict. Please try to symphatise with me…
I know you are getting the blues, why not cheer yourself up. You don’t have to hold your tears, it is always okay to let it all out.
There is always a problem where we stand. I know I’ve hurt you before and I am still feeling sorry for myself, ‘cause the rose is dead now. It is all white, fainted and still getting darker. The dead have taking your soul away from me. The feeling is now in the egde, the clouds blocks my view from it and I can’t find my way to you.
I don’t know who you are, still I want to see your face, but the curtain is closed. You dance around it, do not want to show your face to me. Maybe I’ll let myself in like you always wanted me to do. You tell me that you've seen the spirit, still I can’t see this ghost. Your guardian angel, it hides from me. I don’t want to risk our relationship anymore, like you’ve said I am staying away from you.
Mario Lyberth
lørdag den 18. april 2009
Spiritus "Breath"
Do we have a soul when killing other souls? Do we have a soul when we eat other souls? Now, that is the question. Some people kill other poeple, while others eat others. See, people are cruel in the world. It's in our nature, the are the most dangerous animals and we must kill to survive.
Ghosts on the other hand, they don't eat (so i've heard) and they don't sleep. How is that possible? The spirits are like humans (so I've heard), why aren't they eating? What do they eat then?
Mario Lyberth
fredag den 17. april 2009
My first real guitar
Mario Lyberth
torsdag den 16. april 2009
Staying up all night
Mario Lyberth
Why Do I feel this strange air?
Strange,… Air compresses into smaller pieces, so I feel strangled. It dances, doing Its thing to pursuade me. The wings of fire I see, It troubles me… Red spark around, roses die around It and the heat is getting warmer. Thunder strikes, bolt hits tree. I can feel it shaking . Everything seems to go to an end, the rain starts to fall.
Some say everything starts to regros, good things come out and every evil disappears. The smoke will be gone and It will return to where It belongs…
The steam is still around me, makes me dizzy. Piece by piece getting smaller. Apple of my eye, you’re the only reason I keep on coming on. Smells like christmas, teen people don’t care less. Even the children don’t want to open their presents. Like parents they act, hate it ever happen ‘cause it's a waste of money. For me it’s a waste of good air, steamy bath I want to call it…
Break it, overdone it and be The Only One. Do not feel akward about it. Not once, don’t hesitate.
“The Illusion breaks away the fantasy
Just like Heracles became known as Deity
Bumbed from the amazing ecstacy
Seing the unreal shade of entity”
The party is just an illusion in my dreams, our people are not and will never be known as Deity. It’s a curse between men. Only women will end up in heaven while men will walk the underworld for eternity, regretting the things they’ve done. I feel pity, I want to follow women because they have needs too like us.
The day becomes lighter, the sun shines brighter every single day. However the heat doesn’t suppose to get colder, but it does. How can it be? The once told ourselves that the sun is our heating device. It’s strange to see how cold it is today, the heat isn’t here.
They are memories I just cannot forget, just like the time when I was a little boy. I fell into a block of snow, destroying my front teeth. Just like the time when we were playing on ice sliding around until a hammer hits my face. And just like the time when you kissed me at the party, I have never felt love so powerful… From you.
Mario Lyberth
tirsdag den 14. april 2009
That's an old hat
lørdag den 11. april 2009
Everything in One piece
For me I am kind of guy who loves playing music. Especially when there is a challenge to complete. Strength is a good thing, while speed is also a good thing. Agility, Strength and Intellegence are those I want to be better at. When playing a guitar you speed up your fingers, if you want them to. I am like a Hero in battle, getting stronger while fighting and getting more experience. Not a Dark Knight, Not a Dark Ranger, Not Dark at all. Alliance between we humans and Spirits from light army.
Explosion! I think I've heard it before, strangely familiar to me. I don't know what it is, however it makes me scared effectively hard. This disease, pushed-away-disorder, is pain in the ass! I shouldn't have done it, I really am regretting it deebly... [...]
The city flows away, shines like a shadowed glass. I've seen it before, it is good that I have been here before because I can guide you all along my dear one...
It is strange, want me to believe that I can take anything from her, however she is strict to me. I want more than this, I want to see the reality too. It is not the game I wanted to play and the game is getting kind of boring. I want you
Turns ouit I'll be stranded here alone; without my guitar and a touch from a woman, I'll go insane. Before I Panic I thought "What would Jesus do?" And That's where it hits me, I'll be here for months as well if no one's noticed my demise. I ask myself many times if this is Gods test, because I can't see anything my mistake. Yes everbody makes mistakes but my mistakes are not that bad, and hey I am not a murderer nor rapist. I am not Cain and Karl.
This is like a dream; nightmare that became a reality and I am in it. This creator and a beast Ragnarok is hunting me, Darn It!; I am a preyt like a sitting duck. Vulcanic flames getting near me, I run like hell; Curse you slowmo!....
I walk the Earth for no reason, I walk with no love at all. Every woman I meet makes me realize I am dead, she is always an Angel or Angel of Darkness who's trying to take me with her. I have an unfinished business here, I need more time. However I don't really know what it is that is not finished yet; so you realize what I been through after reading this.
Turning this side effect aside with delay hall really endures me… They call it Endurance Aura. What is it?
As I am cooking some chicken I realize my feet aren't healthy… They burn me. Have some mercy. They does not care about how I feel, they only think of themselves I know they are fools. My agility sure does fall apart, my strength is a direct line and I don't quite think my intelligence grows… I am in the same glass, never have been washed by my owner I feel quite dirty and I am afraid of it… Please Zeus help me. ..
As I drink the water from my cup I see myself as a healthy man… I am not, really. No mercy. I don't really care about my healthy as one another, it makes me feel strangely desired by healthy food I know they are healthy. As I sip from the water I closed my eyes for a sec, all I hear is ringing until it stops… Finally an ending. The end I thought I never see, the end that is it watching me while I listen to this… Damn this bright thing.
Enlighten! This is a Wrath of Gods. Snow, sun and silent at the same time. I am perhaps a message by my God, the God I rely on and trust. I am blessed… It is just a feeling it, mate. It is not a real thing and you know it clearly. You've been talking about it last year; it is not my thing but yours. Yours to command, yours to challenge and yours to take… What a fool you are, a fool without sense of humor and you are always acting 15 even you are 19. You know there's a link between you two.
Tomorrow is the day where everybody is celebrating the day of the youth, I will too. However without drinking a thing, not alcohol or soda… what a shame! Have some mercy. I love you Katie Melua! Not precisely like love, your music sure does relax my mind. Now I can't even think of anything… Shame on me!
Maybe I am changing?
I feel hungry, feeling the need for a cigarette at the same time. Wish I could smoke and eat at the same time... Wish I could really do that. Can you?
My hair is messy, my breath stinks and I look bad.
"The hang over really suckin' you around, it spells you. You look bad but I look good. Can you take a shower now, please? I will really appreciate it if you do that. "
The girl put spell on me, I have turned her into a scary ghost and I love her. No man can ever do that. Except you guys... I don't.
"I don't hate you, how you doin'? You have made me look awful yesterday, you barely can see my face and why do you do that..? Can I sleep with you tonight?" That sounds incredible! I knew you come back to me dearest one. :D If you have read my other damn blogs, you sure have understand what kind of world I live in. I appreciate it, you can sleep here beside me.
My mind is wondering all the time, have I ever kissed you today? I can't even remember it. So slow! Too slow! Go slow!
Well, I am amused. Good show last night!!!!
My mind is emptying itself, happiness comes in.. Maybe for a day. And many things comes bumbing in, like an avalanche. My intellegence grows, However I am still stupid. How can I say no to sex? Maybe not my type. Maybe I did it for a reason.
Meeting this new girl, freshman, is absolutely incredible! She is tall however, almost my size, Wow! Her smile is amazing and her beauty really blows me off. I'm amused. Her kiss, I can't describe it. Her body... Perfect! There are few girls who looks like that except Adriana Lima, you know how she looks[...]
This is amusing, here we stand, four people watching porn, 3 a.m. and what are we doin'? We are two guys and two girls.. Not girlfriends. We all going to school tomorrow at 8, that's in 5 hours... So no sleep today. What am I, crazy?
The new line is different, no girl beside me... So hard. New ones seems to be more different, not my type. Hades' boy is around, however I haven't seen him quite enough. Once I asume. Behind his back when setting.
Retraining my body, getting the long gone shape back. It feels good, so good that I gain strength. The willing to move on but thinking about tomorrow she'll be back. Knowing it'll only happen in next year. Perfection, learning it really tires me a lot.
Skating with skiies, running like a coward from the life I live in. No mercy. The nature is divine, wonderful and so white with all the snow everywhere. Beautiful, outstanding and perfect. I want it all.
Should I go out today? Is it necessary? Necessary to go out to find something valueable for me? I think it is. I need a womans love, the love not necessarily have to be important. Just a hug. Maybe a sex. Perhabs I am just foolish, perhabs I am an idiot or I am just feeling down
When I realize why life end our relationsship, I understand the meaning of an old saying:
"Appreciate and learn from the past,
plan and dream for the future and
live in the here & now"
I am coming forward, climbing to the top and repairring my injury.
Where the lights are off, I can't see you, and now where you hide I think of something stupid like you affect the lonely heart out there. "you may have fun but I'm not."
I'm feeling little loss where there's nothing around my heart. The traveller will not come, not untill later. The answer to my prayer will never return.
[The truth hurts a lot, your chance to be clean. Spelling changed her life, your chance to be clear. Confusion!.. realises the Chaos, your change your personality!.]
Why do we pray to the Gods for forgiveness? Is it because we're afraid? The Gods helps us fight for our believes.... Them.
Temporarily out of action, i am out of gas. Cannot go any further... What’s happening?
Desperation drives me mad, before even finding the flaw. "I bear no sword!" Never have had anyway... Gimmicks. Before the dark hour comes, I play the gimmicks and have been once happy. I pretend and I smile. I walk the goddess of beauty, my fairy, she turns me on. The son of Hades walks my city, luckily I’ve never seen him.
I am seeing a ghost, my visitor, it’s a young girl... She likes me. I do not know what it is she wants from me?[...]
Begging for mercy I kneel, just another usual day. Seeing spots beside me this girl, why do I enjoy this? Walking behind, watching closely and making noises humbling.
I am beginning to rise.
Mario Lyberth
fredag den 10. april 2009
Getting the High on the land
Preparing the light, getting excited about the fact I am about to travel into another world. Thinking about Lust, Aphrodite I want you here to give it all you’ve got. The shaking sound is absolutely abnormal, and I’ve never experienced it (what a lie)…
I feel hungry, tired and rosed. Once again I’ve cheated death.
It’s like a dream once you’re in, your head swirls around like a tornado. Your body becomes heavier than you have thought. They put down the cigarette, I still feel I need one more to smoke. What a crazy fact it is. Still, I feel honestly hungry after it. Makes me wanna eat many chocolate cakes, breads and lots of water.
I think about the day we were in the nature, you are surprisingly happy about the nature in this silly town.
“My glasses hides my true identity, I’ve been that drunk before. I really was feeling lazy to go, but I told myself that I’d do it for you. “
The face I saw, the smile I saw and the behaviour I saw was a pretty good thing to remember. Especially when you’re that high in the land. You imagined every little bit of her. You dream about her in your silly dreams, ‘cause dreams do not happen in a real life… I wish they do.
Now, the life I have is pretty exciting. Things do happen in my life, new girls screaming at me every day.
New life is coming, simple fact… New ideas are coming too, for me I have to accept all that is coming to me and live the life happily.
Mario Lyberth